I’m a London-based sound artist, producer, broadcaster and documentarian creating audio works from interviews, voices, field recordings, digital and found sound. In 2021, while studying MA Narrative Environments at Central Saint Martins, I co-founded Spatial Radio, a learning platform for cultural programming, production, radio tech, performance, public interaction, communications and spatial design. Explore a selection of my Spatial Radio productions here.

My work typically broadcasts outside the confines of a studio, engaging strangers and audiences in public space through live radio, vox pop and spatial interventions. Through my social practice I have worked alongside festivals, communities, academics, student societies, young creatives, social purpose groups, charities and trade unions. In 2022, my MA thesis and public sound installation Platform 10 exhibited at Jane’s Walk London, an annual festival of community-led walks inspired by urban activist Jane Jacobs. 

I’m a member of The People Speak, a group of international artists, cultural producers, science communicators and activists based in East London. We co-create participatory interventions in the UK and abroad where we articulate collective imagination, inform public decision-making and deepen connections between diverse groups of people through interactive formats such as Talkaoke.

As a developing artist looking simultaneously outwards and inwards, my personal practice seeks to reimagine everyday lived experience and appropriate for subversive and/or counter-normative use. Recent work explores two key principles: interoception and data feminism through my long-term practice of body data-tracking, somatic learning and self-reflection.

Collaborated with
Afterall Research, ARUP Foresight, British Council, Changemaker Programme (Central Saint Martins), Dover Arts Development, Egyptian Centre for Culture and Arts - Makan, End of Line Productions, FreeState Studio, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Jane’s Walk London festival, Pete the Monkey festival, Smart & Future Cities Laboratory (Ain Shams University Cairo), Radioee.net, Streets of Growth, Theatrum Mundi, The Storytelling Institute (University of the Arts London).

University of the Arts London Post-Grad Community, Interview for DiE on AiR radio series
KoozArch Magazine, press for ZERO COP27 broadcast
University of the Arts London Press Office, Storytelling Institute launch